彩虹与鸢尾花:会长屋里那个大喇叭不伤耳朵吗还操日本女优厉害了 是不是亚洲人的梦想结果全局就是你拍我拍你看谁排得多是不是
繁星眼睛:想给编剧寄刀片了 最后几集一直看哭 啊啊啊啊Derek死了还能演出来什么啊摔疯了
名字叫猫的鱼:男演员好不吝啬的裸露自己的身体看的我都觉得下厨房金银花露了哈哈哈哈很喜欢凯瑞·穆里根 ❤
妮妮的慢慢游:'s very bad. everything's so fake. just like the fortune cookies -- it's a bunch of 意淫 of ABC culture which is based on the wrong and shallow perceptions. the main actor himself isn't even a Chinese! not only it has not became the "atlantic" for Chinese, in so many ways, ..